domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011


The bullfights are a history for Catalonia.

This activity is an old show that came from Spanish to Catalonia about 600 years ago. Bullfights consist in to deal bulls, on foot or horseback, in a closed circular area with bleachers express for it, called “plaza de toros”. Last year, the government of Catalonia approved the law that banning this show, and the next January 1st of 2012, will effect. The end bullfight was in 25 of September in la Monumental of Barcelona, it brought together more than 20.000 people who love this.
This ban led to a collective manifestation of Catalan which discussed two views: in favour of its continuation, and against of this show.The arguments were in favour of the ban, said it was a crime against the animal because when did the bullfight, the bulls were abused. But is it possible that too, the people take the Catalan nationalism?
Nationalist People want to be independent and get rid of some Spanish roots and traditions that bind the two countries. I think that it’s a good question because I am a Catalan national and I don’t like something of the Spain culture, like the bullfights.

If you want see one bullfight clik in here:

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011


Hi, my name is Sara I am 16 years old and this august was the most special of my live. To 3th from 20th of august I and my family went to Peru with an airplane.

We stand up early and went to airport of Barcelona, in there we take the plane for flights to Madrid and then to Lima, the capital of Peru. I was exciting because the travel in the airplane during 11 hours, but the hours passed very slowly.

In Peru the days running, we have time for visited a lot of emblematic things like: Ballestas islands (an impressions space of aquatic animals), Misti, Chachani and Pichu Pichu (three giants volcanoes of Arequipa city), condors (the symbolic animal of Andes), Nazca pictures (a fantastic pictures at the ground of animals and signals that you can see this take up a little plane), Titicaca lake (is the most high big and sealing lake in the world, in it there was persons living on floating island thanks to a set of reeds) and Machu Pichu (is one of the seven wonder of the world, a blank space that preserves the building of old culture as were Incas).

At the end this travel was fantastic; I lived an experience that never forgot.

Machu Pichu city