viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012


Two summers ago, three weeks after the day of Saint John, I and my brother Raimon had a terrifying experience in my house that I couldn’t forget in all my live. We had the dinner alone in the sofa, at 10 o’clock; we ate vegetable soup, made by our mother, and pasta with carbonara. As we had been eating and were just relaxing in the sofa, we heard a mysterious noise from outside home.

At first we were scared so we didn’t want to move or made any noise that can be able to call the attention of the thing that would being out, but the shutters of the windows were open. With fast movements we got close all of them, and we were more clamed because we felt more protection. Then our parents arrived, we tell them all about the night. They went out the house to look for the thing that causes the terrifying noise, but the coast was clear.

The morning later we went out the house and we found some papers and peaces of firecrackers. Finally all finish with big scare; the night before some boys had thrown their firecrackers in our terrace.

It was a terrible experience that my brother and I will remember for a lot of years.



            My sister Ingrid is five years and three days older than me. He finished university last year, she studied, geology and now is having a gap year to think about the future and get some money.

            Ingrid’s quite tall; a little less than me, she wears glasses because she doesn’t like lenses. She’s got brown and very curly hair, different from me. She is very friendly, cheerful and patient and when she works at the bakery some clients are very unkind, but it is a thing of the trade.

            She’s pretty intelligent, much more than me. She finished the degree with excellent marks and at the same time she works all the weekends at the bakery, so she didn’t have time to enjoy, she has much willpower. Both love drawing all things, real or imaginary things, and sing all the songs that we remember together, but she too likes playing the guitar. We have a special relation because we tell all to each other and we enjoy being with the other.


domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

The Pride Catalonia

The pride of a town

September 11, 2012, a historic day

It was the time to express the wish of Catalan people; it was the time when the Catalan nation united by a single feeling; and it was.
There were great expectations about the proposed acts of Catalonia Day, including the crowd manifestation in favor of independence, and the people responded in the best way. With a stake of roughly 1,500,000 people, who came from all over Catalonia (with buses organized by different institutions, or public transport, or private cars), the streets of Barcelona were collapsed of senyeres, estelades and patriotic songs.

The buses of Sant Julià left at half past 2 to arrive in Barcelona at quarters of 6 pm (in a small village like Sant Julià there were seven buses, that did that I had more desire to participle in it). The atmosphere inside the bus was really of desire to claim with estelades placed on all the windows. My family and I left, everything went fine but before reaching the tolls of Barcelona, there was a multiple accident of four buses that brought to behind, luckily we didn’t happen anything. We continue to Barcelona but buses were also from Sant Julià stayed there for less of oil, and other imperfections, after a half hour another buses picked them up to finish the journey. When we arrived in Barcelona there were estelades in the balconies and people in the street started to began to parade toward the manifestation. We were about a quarter-hour through the city trying to find a place to park the bus because the places that were prepared were already occupied by more than 1,100 buses from all over Catalonia. At the end we get to park in the corner of C/Valencia with C/2 de maig.

We went down the bus and started walking to start of the event, you could see more people and although individually you felt smaller each time, you feel stronger and more willing to continue claiming. The atmosphere with the estelades waving in the blue sky and the canticles and the shouts of independence did you goose bumps and it’s because saw so many people united by a single cause you’d be proud of it.
I wore a white shirt of Catalonia, a barretina on my head and an estelada tied to the back. I shouted and threw a lot of pictures to remember this historic milestone although we didn’t move a lot along the streets because there were a lot of people and the buses left at 9 o’clock.

We left Barcelona with the pride of the act we had carried out together, we saw many cars that removed the estelada out the window and finally we arrived at Sant Julià when was time to went to sleep. But before the end of the day we wanted to make sure that was not a dream and we watched the news that gave the 3/24 to demonstration that it was real, it happened, it was possible.

        It was an historic milestone so will be record all the live and I could say that I was there!

It is a film about de manifestation of september 11:

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012


When you start a new year always you wanted it to be better than the last year, if it is possible, and of course I too ask for the same. But I didn’t know what to expect this new year, one that it begins wonderful.

On 1 January, I can sleep all I want because the last night we go to bed late. I sleep all the morning and stand up to have a lunch after I have all the afternoon to make a lot of things that I want to do, like connect to facebook, watch TV, read the book that shit the Tió and is called “Paraules emmatzinades”. And we go to the bed too late because we have guests at dinner.
On 2 January, we wake up early in the morning to make suitcase and start making the way to the North of Valencia, Castellón. Were four hours of way but they worth because once there we went to visit some of tangerine trees and then the farmers told us that we could pick all that we wanted. The tangerines finished picked from the tree are delicious, you must try! Then we went to bungalow to spend the night.

On 3 January, we woke up early too, because we wanted to see the sunrise at the beach, it’s fantastic… then we went to visit the castle of Papa Luna, that had a very large walls and a beautiful sea view. After that we went with the car to parking that was next to the sea and we walked through the coast. I enjoying a lot, we walk through the rocks next to see, through the sand of the beach and we also walk through a land full of shells, sea shells, sea snails and other marine animals. And finally we have a lunch there and rework the way back.
It was an excellent experience to start the new year, do you thing?