viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012


Two summers ago, three weeks after the day of Saint John, I and my brother Raimon had a terrifying experience in my house that I couldn’t forget in all my live. We had the dinner alone in the sofa, at 10 o’clock; we ate vegetable soup, made by our mother, and pasta with carbonara. As we had been eating and were just relaxing in the sofa, we heard a mysterious noise from outside home.

At first we were scared so we didn’t want to move or made any noise that can be able to call the attention of the thing that would being out, but the shutters of the windows were open. With fast movements we got close all of them, and we were more clamed because we felt more protection. Then our parents arrived, we tell them all about the night. They went out the house to look for the thing that causes the terrifying noise, but the coast was clear.

The morning later we went out the house and we found some papers and peaces of firecrackers. Finally all finish with big scare; the night before some boys had thrown their firecrackers in our terrace.

It was a terrible experience that my brother and I will remember for a lot of years.


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